

Contract Vehicles


Welcome to the Unissant CIO-SP3 SB Integrated Project Team (IPT) website. This is database-centric, online collaboration tool and task management portal for the Unissant Program Manager, NIH Project Management, and Unissant team members. You can easily share project documentation and communication–and track deliverables. The site also helps you create financial, statistical, and management status reports and allows you to track Earned Value Metrics. In addition, the site provides visibility into project performance to our customers and stakeholders .


Unissant CIO-SP3 Contract Information

Contract Numbers
HHSN316201200104W (8(a))
HHSN316201200184W (Small Business)


Business Size
Small Disadvantaged Business
Small Business


Task Areas

  • Task Area 1:    IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
  • Task Area 2:    Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
  • Task Area 3:    Imaging
  • Task Area 4:    Outsourcing
  • Task Area 5:    IT Operations and Maintenance
  • Task Area 6:    Integration Services
  • Task Area 7:    Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
  • Task Area 8:    Digital Government
  • Task Area 9:    Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Task Area 10:  Software Development


Program Manager
Jango Unwalla
703.889.8500 x 114


Unissant Contracts
[email protected]


Contract Downloads


Unissant Prompt Payment Discount Terms: OMB Memorandum 11-32 Accelerated Payment to Small Business


Contract Number: HHSM-500-2016-00068I

The Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC) is a cost-effective, innovative solution for procuring information technology (IT) professional services from a pool of CMS experienced partners.
The purpose of this contract is to provide strategic, technical, and program management guidance and support services, to facilitate the modernization of CMS business processes and supporting systems.
SPARC is a multiple award, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), performance-based contract. It is available to all components within Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and all Health and Human Services (HHS) Operating Divisions to procure IT System development services, from end to end.


Advantages for Customers

  • $25 Billion Ceiling
  • Shortened procurement lead time
  • Access to high-quality industry partners
  • Partners offer agile, waterfall, and hybrid methodology
  • Small business set-aside
  • Socioeconomic credit potential
  • Ability to sole source to 8(a) partners for task orders under $4 million

Services available through SPARC

  • Initiation, Concept, and Planning Services
  • Requirements Services
  • Design Services
  • Development Services
  • Testing Services
  • Security Control Assessment (SCA) Services
  • Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Services
  • Maintenance Services
  • Support Services
  • Data Request Services
  • Help Desk Support Services


SIN 54151S Information Technology Professional Services
SIN 54151HEAL Health Information Technology
SIN 54151HACS Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services


The General Services Administration (GSA) Information Technology (IT) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) provides government agencies with information technology and telecommunications hardware, software, and professional services.  The Schedule is currently open for use by federal, state, and local government agencies.


GSA Advantage


National Cancer Institute (NCI)/Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) – IT Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)


Contract Number: 75N91023A00006


The scope of work for this BPA is to provide professional information technology (IT) services, to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Divisions, Offices and Centers (DOCs) with critical and complex IT services that support their scientific, business, and administrative requirements, assisting them in achieving NCI’s mission. This BPA is managed by NCI’s CBIIT. Through the issuance of task orders under this BPA, NCI DOCs will be able to acquire specialized professional IT support to accomplish their complex, mission-critical goals.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement {ICE) – Scalable Ways to Implement Flexible Tasks (SWIFT)


Contract Number: 70CTD022D00000015 (Hyperautomation)

Contract Number: 70CTD022D00000016 (Visualization)


The Immigration and Customs Enforcement {ICE) Office of the Chief Information Officer {OCIO) Scalable Ways to Implement Flexible Tasks (SWIFT) procurement will provide ICE with a creative delivery strategy designed to expeditiously support the integration, customization, and development of ICE applications and systems on a variety of platforms. OCIO’s cloud-based solution delivery requirements will be organized in four separate work domains: Platform as a Service {PaaS), Hyper Automation, Analytics and Visualization, and Collaborative Services. The IDIQs will have a shared ceiling of $340M and a 5-year ordering period from September 15, 2022 through September 14, 2027.


SeaPort Next Generation or SeaPort-NxG is a 10-year, $5B Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) ceiling contract that can be used across the DoD. All the work under this contract falls under two categories: engineering support services and program management support services.


Contract Number



What are the SeaPort-NxG functional areas?

  • Systems Engineering
  • Software Development
  • Research & Development
  • System Design Documentation & Technical Data
  • Financial Analysis
  • Quality Assurance
  • Configuration Management
  • Information Technology
  • Logistics Support

Jango Unwalla
Chief Knowledge Officer
[email protected]